Lúcia Gonçalves das Neves

Adjunct Professor


Bachelor in Nursing (1980) Specialist in Rehabilitation Nursing (1989), Applied Pedagogy to Nursing Teaching (1995); Master in Nursing Sciences by the University of Porto (1999) and  PhD Course - academic part - in Nursing (2010) by the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, with Thesis Project defended and approved on "The Teaching of Relational Skills to Students of the BSc Nursing Course". Worked as a nurse in Medical Services and Medical-Surgical Specialties for 3 years. Taught at the Imaculada Conceição Nursing School for 23 years and is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Health Sciences of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa since 2006 being responsible for the subjects of Communication in Nursing I and Clinical Teaching 1.